A1 Alpha Steppa – Rooted (ft Cologne) 3:51
A2 Alpha Steppa – The Peacock 4:02
A3 Alpha Steppa – Teachings (ft Sista Awa) 3:28
A4 Alpha Steppa – The Gift 4:31
B5 Alpha Steppa – Mix Up Fix Up (ft Prince Jamo) 4:16
B6 Alpha Steppa – Catharsis Part I (ft Chazbo) 3:33
B7 Alpha Steppa – In The City (ft Wellette Seyon) 4:31
B8 Alpha Steppa – Sannyasa 4:02
C1 Alpha Steppa – Grounded 3:53
C2 Alpha Steppa – Kare Kare 4:03
C3 Alpha Steppa – No Teachings, No Teacher, No Student 3:35
C4 Alpha Steppa – The Friend 4:41
D5 Alpha Steppa – Mix Dub Fix Dub 5:08
D6 Alpha Steppa – Catharsis Part II 3:43
D7 Alpha Steppa – Return to the City 4:30
D8 Alpha Steppa – Moksha 3:33
Steppas Records presents Rooted & Grounded, the debut album from Alpha Steppa. The son and nephew of UK dub pioneers Alpha & Omega (Greensleeves/VP), Alpha Steppa has been surrounded by soundsystem and dubplate culture from a young age. Now a talented producer in his own right, his productions connect the dots between the music which he has grown up around and the new generation of UK bass music of which he is a part. His dubbed out style draws upon the sounds of his musical heritage, filtered through an exploration of the newer sounds of contemporary bass music. Alpha Steppa was born into a climate of dub, when he first opened his eyes and ears in the late 1980’s he witnessed a family submerged in dub reggae music, his dad made dub, his auntie made dub, his uncle made dub and his mum listened to dub in the kitchen. 28 years later, Rooted & Grounded stands testament to a life spent in dub and tells the story of Alpha Steppa. Diverse and forward thinking dub music with a deep roots foundation. Currently championed by a range of soundsystems from across the bass music spectrum; from Roots veterans Channel One Soundsystem, to UK Steppers pioneers Iration Steppas to Dubstep originator V.I.V.E.K.
“This sounds like the next stage in the evolution of dub music yet still retaining its roots connection. The future evolution of the UK steppers scene, following on from your parents epic works” Martin Campbell
“I’m speechless that album track listing and historical background is soooo inspirational – it almost bring a tear to my eye – never in this 20+ years in the business have I seen an album so inspirational – it takes you thru a journey – you can feel the energy – and bless all hearts soul and minds that this album reaches and teaches – this is no hurry come up bang bang buff boof boof steppers this is in depth deep meditation that steers the inner being. Alpha Steppa has no locks on his head – but sure carries spiritual locks in his heart – he is an old soul that far exceeds his age – His hands and heart are guided by spirit to bring to you these musical frequencies that go way beyond this dimension – check this album out, that takes you on a spiritual musical journey.” Jonah Dan (Inner Sanctuary)
“OK I’m a big ALPHA STEPPA fan, big album again Mark IRATION seh so booom bastik & bad” Mark Iration (Iration Steppas)
Steppas Records présente ” Rooted & Grounded ” le premier album d’Alpha Steppa.
Alpha Steppa est né dans le dub . Lorsqu’il ouvrit les yeux et les oreilles à la fin des années 80 : il découvrit une famille immergée dans le dub au sein de la légendaire formation ” Alpha & Oméga “.
27 ans plus tard, ” Rooted & Grounded ” est le résultat d’une vie passée dans le dub. Le double album raconte l’histoire d’Alpha Steppa à travers des dubs d’avant-garde solidement ancrés dans le roots.
” Rooted “: album de 11 titres issus de collaborations musicales et vocales du monde entier.
” Grounded “: album instrumental contenant les versions dub.
Steppas Records präsentiert Rooted & Grounded, das Debut Album von Alpha Steppa. Alpha Steppa wurde in ein von Dub erfülltes Klima hineingeboren. Als er in den späten 1980er Jahren zum ersten Mal seine Augen und Ohren öffnete, erlebte er eine Familie gänzlich eingetaucht in die Musik des Reggae und Dub. Sein Vater machte Dub, seine Tante machte Dub, sein Onkel machte Dub und seine Mutter hörte Dub in der Küche. 27 Jahre später zeugt Rooted & Grounded von einem Leben, verbracht mit Dub, und erzählt die Geschichte von Alpha Steppa. Vielfältige und fortschrittliche Dub Musik mit einer starken Bindung zu den Roots.
Rooted: eine 11 Tracks LP in voller Länge mit gesanglichen und musikalischen Kollaborationen aus der ganzen Welt.
Grounded: Schatten und Gegengewicht, eine 11 Tracks LP in voller Länge mit erderschütternden Dubs.
Steppas Records apresenta Rooted & Grounded, o album de estreia do Alpha Steppa
Alpha Steppa nasceu dentro do clima do Dub, quando ele abriu seus olhos e ouvidos pela primeira vez no começo dos anos 80, ele presenciou uma família submersa na musica dub reggae, seu pai fazia dub, sua tia fazia dub, seu tio fazia dub e sua mãe ouvia dub na cozinha. 27 anos mais tarde, Rooted & Grounded mostra um testamento de uma vida dedicada ao dub e conta a estória de Alpha Steppa. Diversa e progressiva musica dub com fundação na raiz (deep roots).
Rooted: album completo de 11 faixas contendo vocais e colaborações de músicos do mundo todo.
Grounded: sombra e contra-balanco, um album de 11 faixas de dubs que irão estremecer o chão.
Alpha Steppa è nato in un clima caratterizzato dalla dub music, quando ha aperto occhi ed orecchie per la prima volta, nella fine degli anni ottanta, realizzò di vivere in una famiglia sommersa nel mondo della reggae-dub music, suo padre creava dub, sua zia creava dub, suo zio creava dub e sua madre era solita ascoltare dub in cucina. Dopo 27 anni, Rooted & Grounded si caratterizza come un testamento di una vita spesa nel mondo della dub music e racconta la storia di Alpha Steppa. Una diversa ed avanzata visione della dub music ma saldamente caratterizzata a quelle che sono le proprie e solide radici.
Rooted: un intero LP con 11 tracce con diverse collaborazioni da tutto il mondo sia per quanto riguarda i vocal e sia per quanto riguarda la parte musicale.
Grounded: ombra e contrappeso, un intero LP con 11 tracce di dub assolutamente sconvolgente.
Steppas Records presenta ROOTED & GROUNDED, el álbum debut de Alpha Steppa
Alpha Steppa nació en un ambiente de dub; cuando por primera vez abrió los ojos e oídos al finales de los 80 fue testigo de una familia profundamente metido en un mundo de dub, su padre hacia dub, si tía hacia dub, su tío hacia dub y su madre lo escuchaba en la cocina. 27 años después ROOTED & GROUNDED es testamento a una vida inmersa en dub y cuenta la historia de Alpha Steppa. Música diversa e innovadora con unos fundamentos de ‘Deep Roots’
ROOTED: un LP completo repleto de colaboraciones vocales e instrumentales de todo el mundo.
GROUNDED: la sombre y contrapeso, un LP completo de dubs demoledoras.